Hello Beautiful Soul !
A wholehearted welcome! I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. This is exciting as it marks the beginning of the journey home to a whole integrated Self.
I truly look forward to accompanying you in whichever way you choose.
You know what’s best for you, your task is to trust it!
Lots of love,
A Medecine
Woman’s Prayer
I will not rescue you
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you
For I see you, in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness
As you remember your light.
Elisabeth Gilbert
“She has a near-magical gift as a healer and teacher”
“She has a near-magical gift as a healer and teacher”
Elisabeth Gilbert
Author of EAT, PRAY LOVE,
Big Magic,
The Signature of All Things
& City of Girls.
this space was lovingly
designed for you!